I was looking around my place over Christmas and realizing that I needed to clear out some things in the new year. Things such as my old drum kit (pictured) that I bought during a stressful time so that I could smash the daylights out of something to alleviate the stress a few years back! Sometimes it feels good to lay some old things to rest so that you can do some new ones instead eh? I so often get attached to things because of what they represesent or also because of what they could possibly become. What usually happens with me though is that years go by and I realise that I have never done anything with the things I have stashed! What was funny this time as I was contemplating my ‘winter’ spring clean my kids also began telling me that they had desires to play various new instruments. Big instruments too, like the harp and the Cello – any space I was thinking I might create will soon be filled with other stuff and this time stuff that wasn’t mine. There is a princple there I guess? I am enjoying the process of clearing stuff out and selling some things on that I hope will bring pleasure to someone else like it has me.
I am looking forward to the coming year, I dont really have too many strong plans for world domination as I might have had in previous times but I do feel good about what might unfold as I keep open and keep the road clear. I look forward to developing a few new skills on the various instruments that I own and hope that these skills will grace some recordings and live performances in the year ahead.
Thanks so much for stopping by the site, I always appreciate that people are interested in what I am doing. Have a very Happy New Year.