Just returned from a wonderful time at Rockridge Canyon in Princeton BC. The retreat was organised by Younglife Canada and featured speakers Dave McClean and Stockwell Day. A great group of men gathered for some inspiring teaching and lots of fun together. The weekend was made extra special for me because I was joined by some great old friends in the band and also by my Son Aaron playing the harp. If you have never been to Rockridge Canyon event center I highly recommend it to you. It’s a very peaceful and beautiful place and the staff there are amazing. I sure hope we get invited back again next year! www.rockridgecanyon.com
Hi Graham
I am the fellow that had the acoustic guitar you played a couple of times
during your workshop session.
Rockridge is an amazing place. My weekend was even more memorable
getting the added impact of the music provided by your son and the other
Incredible musicians that surrounded you.
I really hope for your inclusion in future retreats at this powerful location.
God bless you and the powerful conviction of Christ in your music.
I have noted we share a birth date, March 22nd. However my year is 1948.
Thanks again for helping to make this a life altering weekend.