On the road again christmas Tales 2019

So glad to be on the road again touring B.C. with the annual Christmas Tales tour with my friends Russ Rosen and Justyn Rees. This year we are joined by multi-instrumentalist and JUNO winner Shari Ulrich.  We have got two dates under our belts so far (and two turkey dinners!) The music is sounding so beautiful with our vocal harmonies being something we have tried to feature this year. Justyn’s story telling is as humourous as ever and is also very meaningful.

For tickets and information you can surf to http://www.christmastales.ca we would love to see you at a show. Please come and say hi.


Kelowna, BC – 12/13/18

Christmas Tales Tour
Thursday, December 13, 2018
7:00pm - 16 and under come Free Buy Tickets
Newlife Church (map)
2041 Harvey Ave
Kelowna, BC, Canada V1Y 6G7
Other Info
CHRISTMAS TALES - A Unique Theatrical Musical.
Metro Community is partnering with New Life Church Kelowna to host a very special night of dramatized storytelling and fantastic seasonal music.
The show features Justyn Rees (Storyteller/actor) and Russ Rosen, Graham Ord, and Stephen Toon (musicians). It's a high energy family show for all ages and for people from all walks of life. Children 16 and under come for free but will still need a ticket (printable from the Eventbrite link).

Tickets are just $15 + fees - All proceeds will benefit the ongoing work of Metro Community with the homeless and vulnerable on the streets of Kelowna. BUY TICKETS https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/metro-community-4470710431

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Kelowna, BC – 12/24/16

Christmas Eve Candle lit service
Saturday, December 24, 2016
6:00pm - All Ages
702 Bernard Avenue
Kelowna, BC, Canada V1Y 6P5
Other Info
Graham is providing music for the Metro Community Christmas Eve service.
All Welcome to this free gathering.
Sarah Mainland will also be performing on her Harp

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