I am thrilled to announce that I will be touring BC, Canada this December with the fabulous Christmas Tales Show. The show features the music of Russ Rosen and the amazing story telling of Justyn Rees. It’s a journey back to the first Christmas story told with humour and in a modern idiom. Joining me in the band will also be the multi talented Stephen Toon. The dates are listed on my site under the calendar tab. If you can come we would love to see you there.
Harp and Soul
Had the pleasure of performing with Blues Harmonica Player Sherman Doucette this past week in Osoyoos BC. The sold-out gig at Elks Hall Blues series was described as one of the best shows of the season by the Osoyoos Times.
Photo Credit (Richard McGuire)
New video wins competition
We are very proud to announce that the video of a track from Graham and Aaron Ord’s new CD Bouquet of Kindness has won a NotTV award in a recent competition. The video features their original song “Joy has come to our home”. Here are a few videos showing the guys speaking about the video and receiving their prize money.
Part One
Music Video Contest WINNERS Graham and Aaron Ord Interview at …
Congratulations to Graham and Aaron Ord for winning the first ever notTV Music Video Contest! The father and son duo came in to our office for an interview. Watch the video to find out just how many instruments this musical family has!Also, notTV is crowdfunding and our campaign ends at midnight. Go to www.not.tv for your last chance to buy a perk!!
Posted by notTV on Friday, 15 September 2017
Here’s Part Two
notTV Awards Music Video Contest Winners Graham and Aaron Ord …
Part 2: Graham and Aaron Ord receive their $500 Prize! It was such a gift to support these passionate artists. We hope to support many more in the future! Our crowdfunding campaign ends at midnight, so go to www.not.tv to do your part for creativity and buy a perk today!
Posted by notTV on Friday, 15 September 2017
Here’s the Video that won
Rockridge Men’s Retreat
Just returned from a wonderful time at Rockridge Canyon in Princeton BC. The retreat was organised by Younglife Canada and featured speakers Dave McClean and Stockwell Day. A great group of men gathered for some inspiring teaching and lots of fun together. The weekend was made extra special for me because I was joined by some great old friends in the band and also by my Son Aaron playing the harp. If you have never been to Rockridge Canyon event center I highly recommend it to you. It’s a very peaceful and beautiful place and the staff there are amazing. I sure hope we get invited back again next year! www.rockridgecanyon.com
New Release from Graham and Aaron Ord
My latest recording is now out. It is a collaboration with my talented Son Aaron Ord who plays Celtic harp and percussion.
Bouquet of Kindness is a collection of original songs, instrumentals and spoken word. It is a beautifully recorded CD which was recorded at the Bottega Studios in Kelowna BC. Our approach was to create a recording that is similar to how we sound live, so we avoided the temptation to do many overdubs and keep it minimalist and stripped down. It has a peaceful feel but it is far from just background ‘Musak’. The pieces are dynamic and thoughtful and take the listener on a journey of creative expression. Bouquet of Kindness is available as hardcopy or as a digital download at Knewsense Records. We are also proud to partner with Milkcrate Records in Kelowna, who are selling it for us from their commercial Record Store. We are currently working on some live shows which will be announced very soon. We hope you enjoy the new music.
Joy Has Come to our Home from the new CD Bouquet of Kindness.
We are currently working on some live show dates which will be announced very soon. We hope you enjoy the new music.
Thanks, everyone.
The CD is available from the link below. Please specify if you want to purchase a hard copy or just a download.